THE GREAT FEDER READING, Part 1: ELBWOOD and the violin makers Schellong & Osann invited to the kick-off event of future joint literature - music and culture evenings. Champagne reception in the Writer's Lounge followed by a reading on the violin maker's stage. Isabel Bogdan read from her hit novel "The Peacock". Frank Pressentin presented her with a very special surprise. A noble ballpoint pen from the "Writer's Edition". A K1, handcrafted from copper and oak. Typical materials used in the Hamburg warehouse.
The musical program was designed by Joanna Kamenarska, 2nd concertmaster of the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra, on the violin. She was accompanied on guitar by Christian Schulz, lecturer at the Hamburg Conservatory. The invited guests were enthusiastic about the special mix of the program and the intense atmosphere of the evening.
Classical musical instruments meet fine writing instruments - Made in Hamburg. Nikolaus Osann and Frank Pressentin agree: We will repeat that!