Handmade in Germany as an alternative
“We are experiencing a renaissance of handicrafts and manufacturing: This lets us discover pieces full of character: unique items that are not ubiquitous, but convey a feeling of uniqueness. ”
Far too long Arts and crafts a term that was considered outdated. But with the changing values of a new consumer society, many people are discovering the handmade symbiosis of form and function new. The reasons for this can be found in the changed understanding of luxury. Where sustainability and Individualization become more and more important, the desire for authentic manufacturing processes and durable materials.
Worldwide, a new generation of artisans with the creative processing of natural materials such as wood, wool, metal, glass or paper new standards in arts and crafts The use of waste and recycled materials opens up a completely new world of materials.
Every ELBWOOD filler is handicrafts in the best sense of the word : the combination of design and functionality, sustainably manufactured from natural materials that decades of joy will prepare.

Far too long Arts and crafts a term that was considered outdated. But with the changing values of a new consumer society, many people are discovering the handmade symbiosis of form and function new. The reasons for this can be found in the changed understanding of luxury. Where sustainability and Individualization become more and more important, the desire for authentic manufacturing processes and durable materials.
Worldwide, a new generation of artisans with the creative processing of natural materials such as wood, wool, metal, glass or paper new standards in arts and crafts The use of waste and recycled materials opens up a completely new world of materials.
Every ELBWOOD filler is handicrafts in the best sense of the word : the combination of design and functionality, sustainably manufactured from natural materials that decades of joy will prepare.

The decades of a society of excess and throwaway have changed our consumer behavior. We have learned one thing: the faster something is available, the less it means to us.
Industrial production can no longer provide us with experience of uniqueness On the contrary, we increasingly see it as an oversaturated consumer culture that causes damage to the environment and society.
The desire for individuality and responsible consumption now permeates all areas of our lives. Anyone looking for something special today will find it in sustainable manufacturing , which is not determined by mass, but by attention to detail convinced.
A return to traditional craftsmanship as a sign of a developing society. The label “Handmade in Germany” is also becoming more and more the epitome of a new luxury that is characterized by sustainability and durability is characterized by.
Where past generations made convenience their consumer maxim, in a changing world of desire for significance . Today it is the Time , which in handmade production flows, the care of the process and the high quality natural materials which we experience as true luxury. longevity , sustainability and authenticity have begun to replace brands and mass-produced items.
In this new consumer world, the way in which a product is created plays a key role in its Meaning A society that has long been focused only on material status is discovering intangible assets .

The decades of a society of excess and throwaway have changed our consumer behavior. We have learned one thing: the faster something is available, the less it means to us.
Industrial production can no longer provide us with experience of uniqueness On the contrary, we increasingly see it as an oversaturated consumer culture that causes damage to the environment and society.
The desire for individuality and responsible consumption now permeates all areas of our lives. Anyone looking for something special today will find it in sustainable manufacturing , which is not determined by mass, but by attention to detail convinced.
A return to traditional craftsmanship as a sign of a developing society. The label “Handmade in Germany” is also becoming more and more the epitome of a new luxury that is characterized by sustainability and durability is characterized by.
Where past generations made convenience their consumer maxim, in a changing world of desire for significance . Today it is the Time , which in handmade production flows, the care of the process and the high quality natural materials which we experience as true luxury. longevity , sustainability and authenticity have begun to replace brands and mass-produced items.
In this new consumer world, the way in which a product is created plays a key role in its Meaning A society that has long been focused only on material status is discovering intangible assets .
At the Discover of the ELBWOOD range you will notice that no ELBWOOD filler exactly alike to the other. Craftsmanship leaves traces . Where people are at the centre of the process, there are no completely identical products. Handmade in Germany is a term that stands for unique pieces stands:
Small irregularities, manufacturing traces and deviations in the material are handmade pieces not to be understood as a flaw. They are consciously accepted character traits that make each piece unique. Visible signs that individual creation process and the engagement with the material.
In addition, the natural aging process of the materials. Over the course of many years, an ELBWOOD filler , patina Wood and metal of the writing instrument change their appearance and tell the story its use.
perfection in the industrial sense is not the aim of ELBWOOD. Because how perfect an ELBWOOD piece is lies solely in the eye of its owner.

At the Discover of the ELBWOOD range you will notice that no ELBWOOD filler exactly alike to the other. Craftsmanship leaves traces . Where people are at the centre of the process, there are no completely identical products. Handmade in Germany is a term that stands for unique pieces stands:
Small irregularities, manufacturing traces and deviations in the material are handmade pieces not to be understood as a flaw. They are consciously accepted character traits that make each piece unique. Visible signs that individual creation process and the engagement with the material.
In addition, the natural aging process of the materials. Over the course of many years, an ELBWOOD filler , patina Wood and metal of the writing instrument change their appearance and tell the story its use.
perfection in the industrial sense is not the aim of ELBWOOD. Because how perfect an ELBWOOD piece is lies solely in the eye of its owner.

Frank Pressentin only needs a few steps to get to work every day: a few metres through the garden lead directly to his workshop. Here, on the outskirts of Hamburg, the writing tools by ELBWOOD. In analogue handwork, with lots of calm and great care .
It can happen again and again that a customer stands on the lawn. It is not uncommon for visitors to travel long distances to learn more about the history of their ELBWOOD piece and the manufacturing process personal to experience . Each of them is offered a coffee.
The choice of location, just like the decelerated way of working arise from a fundamental conviction. They are the consciously chosen contrast to a fast-moving, global efficiency society that feeds a mass market with ever shorter production cycles. counterculture of slowness and appreciation who takes the time to create something special.
This Time is one of the most important components of every ELBWOOD fountain pen. Time that it takes to design it. The Time that its wood needs to dry. Time to the right materials to combine. And Time for a manufacturing process that Arts and Crafts connects.

Frank Pressentin only needs a few steps to get to work every day: a few metres through the garden lead directly to his workshop. Here, on the outskirts of Hamburg, the writing tools by ELBWOOD. In analogue handwork, with lots of calm and great care .
It can happen again and again that a customer stands on the lawn. It is not uncommon for visitors to travel long distances to learn more about the history of their ELBWOOD piece and the manufacturing process personal to experience . Each of them is offered a coffee.
The choice of location, just like the decelerated way of working arise from a fundamental conviction. They are the consciously chosen contrast to a fast-moving, global efficiency society that feeds a mass market with ever shorter production cycles. counterculture of slowness and appreciation who takes the time to create something special.
This Time is one of the most important components of every ELBWOOD fountain pen. Time that it takes to design it. The Time that its wood needs to dry. Time to the right materials to combine. And Time for a manufacturing process that Arts and Crafts connects.
The renaissance of crafts and manufacture
Sonnenweg 60, 22045 Hamburg
Open by appointment